Wednesday, June 20, 2007

You Could Talk A Little Less

Hellooo there. Ive been neglecting you. Not surprising, really but i guess im back now, for a little bit at least. So what's been going on? I'm finally done with school and finals, but it kinda hasnt really hit that its summer now. I guess thats okay though, because i'll realize it soon enough...i'm in New Jersey now, for my cousin's high school graduation later today which should be fun! Then later this week we'll go to a bunch of her friends' graduation parties, and in between that well probably be shopping and eating and sleeping, a lot. Right now i'm kind of just tired and being attacked by my own body, so i might not sound that excited but i really am. im really glad im out out my house cuz ive been feeling like i lived under a rock for a while. Plus we're painting our whole first floor and the smell of paint makes me feel like im about to pass out.

Well, thats about all i have to say for now, maybe I"ll come back and talk later when im not so darn moody...
