Friday, August 24, 2007

Much Too Much

Mars 2112 with a bunch of girl friends
Hershey Park with my Girl Scout troop
Dylan's 18th at P.F.Changs
Dominique's BBQ Pre- Hot Tub Hoppin'
Chillin with Madonna at Madame Tussaud's NYC
My future boyfriend Gato, he lives at Toky's house
This chick I've been hanging with about 15 hours of every day
Mimi and Kiwiz

Sooooo I'm going on vacation to the beautiful, green, mountainous cheese state of Vermont later today, and I wont be back till the 31st. I'm visiting my ex-surgeon granduncle and German grandaunt, and their cats and various tamed mild animals. They are the cutest things ever. I'll be in the mountains and I wont have any internet and I probably wont have service so I probably wont have any contact with the outside world till Saturday [yay!?]. Cya then, with pictures and stories and such ♥
Sad to see me go? Enjoy some Justice while I'm gone. Justice vs Simian: We Are Your Friends

Friday, August 10, 2007

It's Raining Inside

I'm going to have to retire this shirt soon, as that statement isn't true anymore. Though I think it'd be kinda funny if I wore it when I go take my road test..maybe. Anyway, learning to drive is just one of the five million and two things ive been trying to do this summer. This ridiculously long list includes searching for scholarships, doing summer assignments for school, looking at and figuring out what unviersities i want to go to then finding out if i could get in then writing about 5 hundred essays and filling out aplications for them, working with senior citizens, trying to find a part time job for the school year, not going broke, shopping, reading...and the list goes on. I dont even want to start on the things that I'm supposed to be doing but haven't gotten around to yet, that would just be asking for another stress-induced nosebleed. But anyway.
Fun is great! I love having fun, don't you love having fun? What isn't fun is having dirty rumors spread about you as the result of some totally harmless funtime. Especially when those rumors are the fabricated fantasies of the clearly over-active imagination of a fat ugly pathetic football playing loser whom I wouldnt even be bothered to be associated with if it wasn't for a supposedly "good" long-time friend of mine who, when people are talking crap about me, obviously doesnt care enough to defend me, or find out if its true or not, or even let me know! So some of that was a little mean, but you dont know what was said about me, and I'm sure not going to tell you. Don't worry about me though, I'm having a blast planning some serious payback...
In other news, I am SOOO sick! I'm a little better, since I've stopped feeling like an incubus of viral plague. But this weekend I'm going to Hershey Park and a really dont want to be all sickly and stuff. I'm not doubting I'll still look hot in my new white bikini, sniffles and all, but nobody likes germs...except stupid meathead football face, apparently... moving on, it's sure to be a good time no matter what, and I'm looking forward to spending time with a bunch of my gal-pals cuz all of them except one are going off to college soon. Plus, I love riding rollercoasters, and swimming, and havent been able to do either so far this summer. Which reminds me that summer's almost almost over, nooooooo!!
So thats about it. Go hunt down some pizza or something, it's Friday!

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Me No Digo, Pero Me Digo

Dyl says I have to write in this more often, so I will. Once a week is more often... Anyway, a few things to cover. Today is like, Hispanic Appreciation Day or something in my brain. Hugo Chavez is my new best friend, and I'm going to dress up as Shakira in this video for Halloween, purple hair and all. Now for some random videooos, just because [i have nothing better to do].

Keeping with the pro-spaniard theme here..

There are subtitles in this video, but they're in Spanish (and incorrect spanish too), which makes no sense because the song is already sung in Spanish, unless its for deaf people who can only read phonetics. I would say something about that, but I dont think I will... Where did all this random Spanishnish come from? Why had this song been stuck in my head all day? I couldnt explain it all even if I wanted to. Moving on...

Mmm, Chromeo.

Mmmm, Tenderoni.

Now for something not as appetizing...Wonder if this guy is gay, straight, or Parisian?...

I really hope you didnt sit there and watch that whole thing. Anyway, that was too weird to keep to myself...

I think thats about it. I should be sleeping. I said that two hours ago. I don't have any pants on.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

[I Am] CosmoGirl of the Year 2007

I should be writing an essay about all my contributions to the good of the community and the country and the universe and stuff, but surprisingly, talking about how wonderful i am seems really boring right now. So then I was like, 'Oh, I've been thinking about writing on my blog for like, forever. Maybe I should.' And now I am...Anyway this week has been pretty eventful! It was one of those weeks which seemed to go on forever except in a kinda good way. It was my birthday [see above picture] on wednesday and I just hung out with some friends, so that was fun. We saw Transformers, which is a really good movie. I think everyone should see that movie. I also think that my cell phone is a transformer, but I guess you didnt need to know that, did you?

I also saw Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix, which was pretty good, it's probably the best one they've come out with yet. That same night i got chicken quesadillas at Applebees, those are pretty good too. Even later that night me and a friend wanted to go to the Harry Potter party at Barnes and Nobles, just for fun, we didnt even want to get the book. I'll admit that the real lure was the glow-in-the-dark Harry Potter glasses they were giving out, I wanted one! Anyway, this [above] was the line in front of b&n at 11:30, and some of those people had been waiting out there since 5. Which meant no nerdy glasses for us :(. This old lady kept talking about playing quidditch and flying and stuff, which kind of freaked us out because she seemed completely serious... We went to A&P at 12 to get something caffeinated and ended up getting the book in fifteen minutes, just to have something to do. The people who had been sitting outside b&n for 7 hours kept giving us dirty looks and pointing their wands at us. We had more fun than the party would have been, even though I never did get my cappuccino. Oh yeah, and I finished all 759 pages of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows at 8pm the same day I got it. You didnt need to know that either, I'm not exactly sure if I'm proud of that or not haha.
So maybe I should jump on that essay now. If I win I get to go to college... Yay.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

You Could Talk A Little Less

Hellooo there. Ive been neglecting you. Not surprising, really but i guess im back now, for a little bit at least. So what's been going on? I'm finally done with school and finals, but it kinda hasnt really hit that its summer now. I guess thats okay though, because i'll realize it soon enough...i'm in New Jersey now, for my cousin's high school graduation later today which should be fun! Then later this week we'll go to a bunch of her friends' graduation parties, and in between that well probably be shopping and eating and sleeping, a lot. Right now i'm kind of just tired and being attacked by my own body, so i might not sound that excited but i really am. im really glad im out out my house cuz ive been feeling like i lived under a rock for a while. Plus we're painting our whole first floor and the smell of paint makes me feel like im about to pass out.

Well, thats about all i have to say for now, maybe I"ll come back and talk later when im not so darn moody...


Sunday, May 20, 2007

When I Grow Up I Want To Be A Unicorn...

...or a party animal, I havent really decided yet...
So anyways, I've not posted in a while because I've either been sleeping, getting inducted into scholastic cults (National Honor Society lol), sleeping at school, NOT going to Hershey Park, knitting, napping i mean SLEEPING...being dubbed "Society Ho" officer in my friends Facebook group, andd sleeping.. so i haven't been up to much. Other than sleeping. Which is why i havent been posting. And now, Ive got this hideously long literary criticism paper due tuesday, so I probably wont be posting much till after then.. or after i finish the paper ha. Some things I've learned while, um, sleeping this past week:

Getting naked in a parked car in front of a church in plain daylight not a good idea

Adam Levine wrote a song about me. Its pretty erotic. Too bad I'm totally over him. Maroon 5-Kiwi (thats the link to stream the album on
MTV's The Leak, I think it'll be gone by Tuesday)
Kele Okereke [of Bloc Party] is NOT GAY. I've got proof. In the form of a videotape, filmed last night.. hahaha KIDDING!!!!! Its not even like that ha. But he said so himself on this radio broadcast here, if you care to listen. Otherwise you can look at the picture he sent me. I only care because I'm having his babies. Bloc Party - Banquet
Bad indie movies are kinda like stale cookies... just dont ask me how.
Drowning in a bucket is one of the most disgraceful ways to die.
You can buy g-strings with hydraulics in them at Wal Mart,
or a dollar store. You could also steal them off a dead hooker,
but thats not recommended.
Life sucks sometimes.
I cant really think of much else I learned.
I cant really think of much else.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Pimp My Mom

I'm NOT pimping my mom out, I swear. I love my mom! There she is with my baby... So anyway, we had the most amzing conversation in the car today. We saw this Rolls Royce stretch limo and she was talking about how the factory doesnt make them like that, they get made at like, Which I didnt know. Did you?

Mom: It's like that show. Isn't on HBO or something? One of your channels...
Me: Pimp My Ride?
Mom: Yeah!
Me: They dont do that on that show
Mom: Oh, but its people like that that make the limos. What's the show,"Spring My Ride?"
Me: Pimp My Ride.
Mom: "Pitch My Ride?"
Me: PIMP. PIMP My Ride, Mom. Pimp my ride.

She's amazing. Speaking of mommm Sunday's Mother's Day! I got my mom's present like last week. It's this long necklace with different color austrian crystals on it. I cant wait to give to to her so I can steal it... Plus I got her a card, that SINGS. Yes I kno, I'm a better child than you.

Moving on, it's Friday!!!! Whats weird is this week, to me, every day seemed like a Friday, except today. And it was so humid today I felt like I was living in the Jungle, its 10:00 and it still feels like that outside! I'm half expecting a monkey to swing from some tree and attack me or something... I was listening to the radio on my phone and there was seriously no station where a song by/featuring/produced by Timbaland wasnt playing.

Timbaland ft Nelly Furtado and Justin Timberlake - Give It To Me (my new ringtone)
Timbaland ft M.I.A - Come Around (also on my phone)

There was also some other JT song, that Pussycat Dolls one, and Say It Right was even on the old people's Lite station! I felt like Timbaland was raping my ears. I'm not exactly sure if thats a good thing or a bad thing...

{NOTE: 1- I dont really have a baby. 2- I won that ribbon at a county art show. Not all that special, but I like it I guess. Its just bottles. 3- Timbaland didn't REALLY rape my ears. Obviously.}

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

You Snooze, You Lose

So, spring is here, and its about time! The weather this year's been pretty crazy-floods and tornados and all that. But today was really nice, if you can call 80-degrees and humid nice... its a welcome change. Yesterday I was hanging out after school waiting for my mom. So I walked to Starbucks, got a rasberry italian soda (which i highly recommend! it was reallllyyy good haha), and sat on a bench under this big flowering tree with its petals falling gently in the breeze, reading and I'm just like, 'How idyillic is this?!'. It was straight out of a movie, a really cheesy kind of movie but still.. Sometimes on the way home from school or something I just look around and realize how beautiful this place I live in is, I know it sounds soo cheesy but its true! It gets so easy to take the everyday beauty around us for granted because well, we see it everyday. But I think the blooming trees and new grass and more sunshine [and happpily thumping bunnies and fluttering butterflies etc, etc ha] kind of bring it back . It's like nature's way of saying "HEYYY! LOOK AT ME, I FREAKING GORGEOUS!!"...And now its May, and half the year is almost gone. Wtf happenes to time, seriously... So now that I'm (almost) done being all dreamy and gay (like, happy gay. happy cuz ur high on Zoloft gay. Not that I'm high on zoloft or anything i just meant.. whatever) heres a song called Tulips, by my favorite band of the moment, Bloc Party, yay!!!!!

Bloc Party- Tulips [mp3]

So can I start ranting now? Okay. I just paid 63 bucks. To take a test. The SATs. Whhhyyy??? I should've just used my dad's credit card to buy a dress and some shoes or that magic scarf from American Apparel, it's not like I want to go to college anyway.. Ha, that couldnt be further from the truth I actually cant wait. Like i want to go NOW, skip senior year and everything. I guess everything in its own time or whatever, whatever.. Anyway, I did kind of wait until 10:30 the night of the deadline for already late registration, but that couldnt really be helped kind of, mostly... and now I have 24 days to study for it! Fun times....
So also, I've decided that I've got to "change my sleeping habits", stop napping so much. Like its seriously really bad! There are times when I'll get home from school at 5:30, take a nap, and not wake up till the next morning. Which would be great, if I didnt have a bazillion things to do every night what with the ridiculous amounts of homework teachers have decided to start spewing at us, and teaching myself physics so i wont completley fail the state exams (which is a rant for another day), and now SAT prep... Or I wake up late, stay up all night, sleep for maybe an hour till i wake up at 5:30, then sleep through most of school... It's like I'm nocturnal. I have no problem with being nocturnal, really. It's just that most other humans arent, so when summer rolls around i dont want to sleep all day and be partying hard, all by myself at 2 in the morning. Which i do now, but is getting old pretty fast ha. I have no idea why I'm telling you this. Bordering on too much information, isnt it? Well anyway, I'm done for today, youre off the hook, Haha. Here's this song that's stuck in my head. I love Maroon 5, and I love the song, but it really needs to stop. Like my naps...

Monday, May 7, 2007

So You Wanna Be a Blog Star

I had a dream. Or I had a dream, and now its come true? Well my dream was to start a blog. Not any blog, a good blog, with music and pictures and wit and charm etc, etc. I sort of thought I wouldnt be able to do it. That I wouldnt have enough time or material or that no one would bother to read it. Eventually, meaning now, i decided to make like Nike and just do it. Why? Why not? Starting something is always better than watching time pass by. I've got big plans, I've got ambition, and that doesnt really have anything to do with what I'm writing about, but it's okay. This is my space, I can do whatever I want. I'm random, I'm going to write random stuff. This is my place, but its our place, too- I wanna hear what you've got to say about what I've got to say. Maybe you think it's dumb, maybe you think it's funny, I'm just glad that you can think because I've got a problem with people who dont think for themselves. So anyway, this is the start. My intro, my prelude, my welcome- to life, as we know it...